Required Equipment:

  • Strong side holster (no crossdraw, shoulder holsters or small of the back allowed).
  • Rimfire or Centerfire Handgun (no magnums or high velocity rounds such as 5.7 or .357 Sig)
  • 48 rounds of ammunition per event. (Most events are 48 rounds.  Some events use 42 or 60 rounds)

Optional Equipment:

  • Enough magazines or speedloaders for 48 rounds in increments of 6 rounds (a 1911 would need 8 magazines, a Glock 17 would need 4 magazines). Strongly recommended.
  • Prone shooting mat

Action pistol is an exciting and challenging competition where various Courses of Fire are defined and shot. There are actually 19 different COF’s which can be covered. We generally shoot the main four which are shot at the National Bianchi Cup in MO each year. Several of our members go there to compete each year and our club is among the strongest in the nation in Action Pistol shooting. Our range has been set up with moving targets as well as turning targets similar to ones used at the National Championship. Bedford is recognized as one of the premier clubs to shoot AP in the USA. Most timed courses are fired from a “surrender position” with gun holstered at the start. As always we welcome new shooters who may elect to start low ready where safety is a concern.

Our club events include open guns, metallic sight guns, and production guns. Rimfire pistols are also permitted in each class. The cost for the whole AP match is $15.00 ($10.00 second gun).

Brief descriptions of the four primary events:

  • Plates-Are shot from 10, 15, 20, and 25 yards. 2 sets of 6 shots at each distance. A hit is 10 points and 1-X, miss is 0.
  • Barricades-Are 10, 15, 25, and 35 yards, 12 shots from each distance starting with hands on barricade, shooting 6 shots on each side of the barricade. The target has rings of 10 points middle, 8 points, and 5 points for any hits on the target.
  • Mover– Is a fun yet challenging event shot from 10, 15, 20 and 25 yards at a target moving 10ft/ second. 12 shots are taken from each distance, shooting 6 as the target moves left and 6 as it moves right. Scoring is also on the AP-1 target.
  • Practical-This event is from 10, 15, 25 and 50 yards, again shooting a total of 12 shots from each distance in various sequences including weak hand only shots at 10 yards. Again, Targets are AP-1 tombstone style like most others.

We often shoot only 1 or 2 of these events on Sunday matches. Only costs $10.00 so come on out and try it!!  Monthly matches (192 rounds) are $15.00 for the first gun and $10.00 for each subsequent gun fired in the match.

Texas Mover
More information:

Overview: https://www.ssusa.org/articles/2017/4/14/how-to-get-started-in-nra-action-pistol

Enthusiasts Forum: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showforum=57

Official NRA Rulebook: http://rulebooks.nra.org/documents/pdf/compete/RuleBooks/Action/act-book.pdf