Rounds: 48
Targets: Bianchi (NRA AP-1) target.
Range:  10, 15, 25, and 35 Yards. 

Course of Fire:

At each stage there will be a 6-foot high, 2-foot wide barricade.  They will be placed in a line, one directly behind another.  Each barricade will have a clearly marked 2-foot wide by 3-foot long firing area on the up range side. 

The competitor must be within the firing area at the “COMMENCE FIRE” signal and no portion of the competitor’s body or equipment may touch outside the firing area until the competitor has finished firing the designated rounds.  The barricade will be considered to be within the firing area and may be used for support. 

There will be 2 targets downrange.  One will be placed 3 feet to the left of the center line and one 3 feet to the right of the center line. 

The starting position will be with the handgun holstered and the palms of both hands on the face of the barricade.  The starting signal will be an audible tone or turning targets are used, preceded by the verbal commands “READY” and “STAND BY”.  (Stock-gun shooters may not touch the barricade with any portion of the gun during firing.)

10-Yard Stage: At the signal to commence fire, competitor fires 6 rounds at either target from the matching side of the barricade within 5 seconds.  At the second signal to commence fire, competitor fires 6 rounds at the remaining target from the matching side of the barricade within 5 seconds.

15-Yard Stage: Same as above except time limit is 6 seconds.

25-Yard Stage: Same as above except time limit is 7 seconds.

35-Yard Stage: Same as above except time limit is 8 seconds.


     A penalty of 10 points and 1X will be charged for a premature start, for each round fired over the designated number, for each procedural error, and for each round fired overtime.


Barricade Event